The Gypsy Girl @ Folkwindow

instant elevator !

Listening to the bible

The Prayer of Protection . . .

The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am God is.

I walk in the Presence and Power of God.
I know that all things are possible with God.
Listen to the Inner Voice as God answers us.

I am a blessed person,
the minute I need, it is there.

All that the Father has is mine.
To worry is to insult God.
Pray and give it to him.
and he will take care of it.

There is no lack in my father's house.
Talking about Poverty will never make you rich.
Talk truth.
What you talk about you have mentally
and what you think is what you are.
Talk Truth, Think, Ask, See, Seek,
and have faith in God.

I am not limited in anything I do.
Perfect Intelligence Directs My Thoughts.
Thank You God for everything.

God will perfect that which concerns me
I am not bound by any mistakes.
God is Love and forgiving. 
I am in the now.
I am Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, 
and Harmonious.
I am Happy.
I am one with God at all times.
Be thou made whole, Joy, Peace, Love,
Happiness and Faith I Am.
Love is the key word of my Life.

Say to thy brother "You have much Talent;
there is a place for you better than you have ever had before.
Pray on it and Believe it; 
They shall prosper and find Happiness, Love, 
Peace and Prosperity they have never known before. 
"I Love and Bless you."

Everything is possible with God
and his Infinite Love.
It is thy will oh Lord, not mine.
I am not the doer, "God Is" with me.

Thinking negatively is misqualified energy.
What you de sire you shall have because you are the father of it.

I am the Lord thy God which teaches thee to profit ( Isaiah 48:17)
which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.
The Lord shall guide thee continually.
For he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
He that is Perfect in knowledge is with thee.

Set your mind upon the limitless power which is at hand.
Be patient and be assured that the spirit in you leads to 
but on goal-your peace and happiness.
If you set your mind upon the things of the earth -
the chaotic material world, you will have to have much
strength to keep from being discouraged, from fretting 
and becoming impatient, all of which will weaken your
Faith and make obstruction in your path to success. 
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord...And So It Is.